Self-Employment Program (SEP)
This component focuses on financial assistance to individuals/groups of urban poor for setting up gainful self-employment ventures/ micro-enterprises, suited to their skills, training, aptitude and local conditions. The component will also support Self Help Groups (SHGs) of urban poor to access easy credit from bank and avail interest subsidy on SHG loans.
Selection of Beneficiary: The Community Organizers (COs) and professionals from Urban Local Body (ULB)/District will identify the prospective beneficiaries from among the urban poor. The community structures formed under Social Mobilization & Institutional Development (SM&ID) component of NULM viz: Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Area Level Federations (ALFs) may also refer prospective individual and group entrepreneurs for purpose of financial assistance under SEP to ULB/District.
Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP): In addition to skill training of the beneficiaries, the ULB /District will also arrange to conduct Entrepreneurship Development Program for 3-7 days for individual and group entrepreneurs.